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Barium Enema Procedure

Barium Enema Procedure in Park City, KS

$294 - $329

A barium enema is a diagnostic procedure that involves taking an X-ray of the digestive tract. This procedure involves placing a liquid called barium in the colon (through the anus) to help illuminate the digestive tract and create a better image. This image is then used by the doctor to locate blockages that may be causing medical concerns.

Physician order required.
Available Providers
3311 E Murdock St.
Wichita, KS 67208
8 miles from you
All Inclusive Price:
Facility, Equipment & Supplies
Reading & Interpretation
Physician order required.
Barium Enema Procedure
Estimated Savings
1947 North Founders' Circle
Wichita, KS 67206
9.4 miles from you
All Inclusive Price:
Facility, Equipment & Supplies
Reading & Interpretation
Physician order required.
Barium Enema Procedure
Estimated Savings
14700 W St Teresa St.
Ste. 150
Wichita, KS 67235
11.8 miles from you
All Inclusive Price:
Facility, Equipment & Supplies
Reading & Interpretation
Physician order required.
Barium Enema Procedure
Estimated Savings