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Foot Arthrodesis (Foot Fusion) Surgery and Gastrocnemius Recession

Foot Arthrodesis (Foot Fusion) Surgery and Gastrocnemius Recession in Kansas


During foot arthrodesis (foot fusion) surgery, a doctor will immobilize a joint in your foot by removing damaged cartilage and then fusing the two bones together with plates and screws. This prevents pain caused by movement of the joint. In this combined procedure, the doctor will also perform a gastrocnemius recession to surgically lengthen the calf muscle and attached tendons at the back of the leg. This relaxes the calf and allows the leg to be positioned more naturally with the heel on the ground. Gastrocnemius recession surgery is commonly used to treat a chronically tight calf, achilles pain, and/or plantar fasciitis.

Physician order required.

Please do not order until "Orthopedic Surgeon / Doctor Visit" with chosen doctor has been completed.

Available Providers
Service Location:
Kansas Surgery and Recovery Center
2770 N. Webb Road
Wichita, KS 67226
All Inclusive Price:
Facility, Equipment & Supplies
First Post-Operative Visit
Orthopedic Braces or Supports
Pre-Operative Visit
Does Not Include Pre-Operative Clearance

Physician order required.

Please do not order until "Orthopedic Surgeon / Doctor Visit" with chosen doctor has been completed.

Foot Arthrodesis (Foot Fusion) Surgery and Gastrocnemius Recession