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Fistulotomy in Augusta, KS


A fistulotomy is a surgical procedure for treating a fistula in the anal area. An anal fistula is a small opening or tunnel that develops between the anal skin and the end of the anus, usually due to infection. During the surgery, the doctor will cut one side of the fistula, opening the fistula so that it can drain and heal. The causes of an anal fistula include injury, severe inflammation, infection, and pus collection in the area.

Physician order required.

Please do not order until "Office Visit" with chosen doctor has been completed.

Available Providers
Service Location:
The Center for Same Day Surgery
818 N Emporia Ave
Suite 108
Wichita, KS 67214
18.6 miles from you
All Inclusive Price:
Facility, Equipment & Supplies
Pathology (Initial Testing)
Post-Operative Visit(s)
Pre-Operative Visit
Does Not Include Pre-Operative Clearance

Physician order required.

Please do not order until "Office Visit" with chosen doctor has been completed.

Estimated Savings